Avoiding the Dangers of Asbestos Dust

11 May 2017

Avoiding the Dangers of Asbestos Dust

Up until the year 2000, asbestos was still being used in the Irish construction industry, so it stands to reason that there is an awful lot of this hazardous material still in existence in homes and business premises across Ireland.

The moment you move or disturb asbestos during demolition or renovation building work, there is a high chance that airborne asbestos particles or ‘dust’ being released into the air. Breathe this is just once and you risk developing lung cancer somewhere down the road.

This silent killer attacks the lining of the lungs, often showing no symptoms for years, for the person in question to then go on to develop malignant mesothelioma, a terminal condition known to be caused by asbestos exposure.

Asbestos Dust

Asbestos dust is as deadly a substance as there is and what makes its even more so is the fact that you can’t see it.

So what measures can you take? If it’s invisible, what is there that you CAN do to combat the problem?

Before starting any building work, it is imperative that you employ the services of an asbestos surveying specialist to assess the risk of any materials present in your property. Identifying that asbestos is present takes a skilled eye and at OHSS Safety Consultants, we have the expertise to determine if any danger is present before anyone sets foot into the area.

This is the only way to be sure that no one is exposed to asbestos at any point.

Asbestos Air Monitoring

If the risk assessment shows that asbestos is present, our asbestos removal specialists will constantly monitor air quality across the entire site during the entire removal process, so that appropriate measures can be implemented to maintain safe working conditions in the area.

Vital Importance

At the risk of labouring the point, the importance of asbestos monitoring can’t be overstressed. The time and cost of using the services of an asbestos company in Ireland has to be weighed against the possibility of someone, anyone, developing a life threatening illness.

Being safe rather than sorry is the only path. It’s also the responsible path and you owe it to your staff to obey asbestos regulations.

For more information on asbestos in the workplace, visit our website www.ohss.ie or call us on 01 6905907 for a chat about safe asbestos removal and disposal. We look forward to helping you keep your employees safe and sound.