Occupational Safety Training

25 May 2016

Occupational Safety Training

Occupational safety training is essential for your business. The aim of this training is to reduce the risk of occupational injury and disease. While this has obvious benefits for the employee, it has benefits for you as well. Injuries and disease are very costly for a business. Increased insurance costs, compensation, and loss of a valued employee all add up to a big expense. Occupational safety training can help protect your employees and your business. We offer several different types of training.

Occupational hygiene training will teach employees to evaluate their working environment, identify hazards, assess risks, and recommend ways to minimize risks. Risk assessment training will teach employees to perform risk assessments in health and safety, construction, and risk assessment safety. They will also receive training in health and safety.

Many injuries occur because employees don’t know how to lift safely. Our manual handling training will take into account the specific hazards encountered by your employees doing manual handling and train them accordingly.

Chemical safety is another important aspect of occupational safety training. Our chemical safety training course will teach employees to be aware of chemicals in the workplace, how chemical exposure can occur and the health effects associated with exposure, how to handle chemicals correctly, and where to find information on the chemicals found in their workplace.

Our asbestos training course will teach employees to be more aware of asbestos, where it may be found and what it looks like. It will also educate them about the dangers of asbestos, how it should be removed, and how to protect themselves.